Precision agriculture development trends allow significantly improve yields and prevent unwanted loss of products at all stages starting with planning of seeding and ending with harvesting.
Our innovative product will allow you to keep under observation the weather conditions and microclimate on particular site (in the garden, green house, farm, field) all the year round in real-time mode from any point of the globe. All this, will surely help to plan carrying out of agricultural works more effectively and prevent the development of plant diseases and pests.
Short description of Meteo Inspector online meteorological station
METEO INSPECTOR online meteorological station is a computer appliance consisting of two parts:
- Hardware component;
- Software component.
Hardware component
A hardware component, namely, a weather station, is meant for continuous meteorological data collection and their transmission to the central server where all the data are processed and become available for the user in software component. The weather station consists of basic controller, which collects information from all the pickers and is communicating it to the server for processing and visualization as well as of different types of various meteo devices.
Weather station may be equipped with the following sensing elements:
- Atmospheric temperature;
- Amount of precipitation;
- Wind direction and speed;
- Atmosphere relative humidity;
- Atmospheric tension.
Additional weather station may be equipped with the following:
- Soil moisture sensor (figure 1, 1.1);
- Soil temperature sensor;
- Leaf moisture sensor (figure 2, 2.2);
- By means of pyranometer (whole-sun sensor).
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To weather station there may be connected a video camera for visual estimation of weather conditions.
The weather station, besides the main power supply source may be equipped with accumulator and solar battery for autonomous work.
All sensory devices of the station are able to work to a high precision within many years under any weather conditions.
External appearance of METEO INSPECTOR weather station (Figure 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10):
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Software component
In software component there are presented to a user for examination and analysis all the data received from weather station (system supports the function of data collection from unlimited amount of weather stations in one register entry, Figure 11.).
Software component is web-centric, due to what the user has access to data from any point in the globe by means of any PC connected to Internet.
Besides online examination of data, the user has access to by-hour and by-day history.
All diagrams and tables with reports in the system may be exported in *.xls or *.pdf format.
All the data referring to the weather station are stored in the system for 5 years.
External appearance of user interface of METEO INSPECTOR system (Figures 11,12,13,14).:
Figure 11 (Weather stations).
Figure 12 (Schedule).
Figure 13 (Table).
Figure 14 (Forecast).
Possibilities and application of METEO INSPECTOR on-line meteorological station
METEO INSPECTOR on-line meteorological station may keep a record of the following parameters:
Parameter | Measurement range | Tolerance |
Atmospheric temperature | From -40 to +80 °С | 0,1 °С |
Amount of precipitation | From 0,518 to 999,9 mm/hour | 0.5 mm |
Wind direction and speed | 0,3-50 m/s with division of direction (0-360) 15° | 0,1 m/s |
Atmosphere relative humidity | 0 – 97% by assent of 1% | 3% |
Atmospheric pressure | From 750 kPa to 1100 kPa: ±1 kPa | 3 kPa |
Soil dampness | 0-70% | 5% |
Ground temperature | From -55 to +125 °С | 0,5°С |
Leaves humidity | From 0 (surface is totally dry) 10 (surface is totally wet) | 0,5 conditional unit |
Possibilities of METEO INSPECTOR online meteorological station:
- Nonstop collection of meteorological data and access to them 24 hours a day in the online mode;
- Possibility of data viewing both in the online mode and in the form of reports by hour, by day, month, year or any other selected period;
- The system is able to store all the data collected every day within 5 years;
- The system is able to carry out control over external executive units (for example over the sprinkling system);
- In the system there is foreseen a possibility of notification of the user vie SMS or e-mail in case of the established parameters overrange (in case of frost etc).
METEO INSPECTOR online meteorological station:
- Will reduce the possibility of blight;
- Will reduce the possibility of depredator attack;
- Save money on crop-protection agents in case of absence of the risk;
- Increase yield capacity and output quality;
- Determine watering rate for particular plants;
- Etc.
The problems that are solved by means of METEO INSPECTOR online meteorological station:
- Monitoring of weather conditions both in fruit fields and greenhouses;
- Weather forecasting;
- Monitoring of advantageous weather conditions for carrying out agricultural works (seeding, field irrigation, manuring and introduction of plants protection means, harvesting etc.);
- Forecasting and prevention the appearance of depredators and diseases in plants. Control limits may be determined by means of monitoring (soon the solution of this problem will be fulfilled automatically by means of software);
- Frost and drought warning;
- Monitoring of soil humidity and ground temperature, leaves humidity;
- Control over the work of external executive components (sprinkler system etc.);
- General control over the microclimate in the fields and in greenhouses of the enterprise.
Forecasting and preventing of plant diseases by means of METEO INSPECTOR online meteorological station
Since the development of most plant diseases depend on weather conditions, the specialists of our company may develop and implement the necessary formula in order to forecast diseases and appearance of depredators in real-time mode for different kinds of agricultural plants:
- Grape: mildew, botrytis, black rot;
- Apples: scab, body blight;
- Pears: scab, brown spot;
- Drupaceous fruit: frostly pod rot, pseudomonas, shot-hole disease;
- Strawberry: powdery mildew, botrytis (Botrytis blight);
- Cucumber: downy mildew;
- Tomato: early blight, late blight, botrytis;
- Potato: potato blight, late blight (foot rot);
- Onion: downy mildew, botrytis;
- Lettuce: downy mildew;
- Wheat: rust, Septoria blight, fusarial head blight ;;
- Canopa, sunflower, pepper: sclerotiniose;
- Soybean: rust;
- Sugarbeet: cercosporosis;
- Turfgrass (lawn grass): Pythium blight, brown stripe leaf spot, fusarial head blight, snow mold;
- Etc.
Development of plant diseases that at the stage of exploring. We invite the experienced agricolists to cooperation.